Proxmox 7.1-10 Quick Notes to add Hard Drives to Proxmox and Mount

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In this post we are going to cover how to add hard drives to Proxmox 7.1-10 and then mount them to the system. We’ll also edit fstab so that the disk mounts on boot. You can then use this same mount and add them to your LXC containers. This is great for Home Media set ups where Plex, Radarr, Sonarr, SABnzbd might all be running within their own LXC containers and you need to share the drive.

  • SSH to the Proxmox Host
  • Identify your disks, and the disk you want to add to your server/containers: run lsblk
  • For this example, I want to work on my 4TB disk labeled “sdb”
  • Format the disks using parted
  • Install parted on the Proxmox Host
apt install parted
  • Create a new gpt partition table. Note, we are using sdb for our example.
parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt
  • Next we are going to create our partition using 100% of the disk. I am using the full disk since this is only going to store media files.
parted -a opt /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%
  • Note in the screenshot above that we have a new disk layout with a partition. Our partition is labeled “sdb1” and that is what we will ue going forward.
  • Now create the filesystem. Since I will be using this disk for my Plex media, I am naming it “media”. Depending on the size of the disk, this can take a few minutes.
mkfs.ext4 -L media /dev/sdb1
  • Time to mount our new disk/partition
  • Create the directory that you want to use for the mount
mkdir -p /mnt/media
  • Modify fstab so that your mount comes up on boot
vi /etc/fstab
  • Add the following lines
LABEL=media /mnt/media ext4 defaults 0 2
  • Save the file and mount
mount -a
  • You are all set now, you can check via lsblk and df -h

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